Complete abstinence during pregnancy is recommended, since alcohol consumption in each trimester has been associated with abnormalities, and the lowest innocuous dose of alcohol is not known. A baby born with Noonan syndrome may have a short neck, with excess skin where the neck joins. Atrial and ventricular septal defects, as well as renal hypoplasia, bladder diverticula and other genitourinary tract abnormalities, may occur. Sensory deficits include optic nerve hypoplasia, poor visual acuity, hearing loss, and receptive and expressive language delays. The lower lip quiver is a reflex that is present in many newborns, and it is often caused by an immature nervous system. However, this is a common phenomenon that is not usually a sign of illness. If you notice your baby's lips shaking, you will wonder if the action is normal or if it requires a doctor's attention. Mild mental retardation, the most common and serious deficit, and a variety of other anomalies may accompany fetal alcohol syndrome. As a parent, it can be concerning to see your newborn’s lower lip quivering. Newborns with the syndrome may be irritable, with hypotonia, severe tremors and withdrawal symptoms. Evidence of intrauterine or postnatal growth retardation, mental retardation or other neurologic abnormalities, and at least two of the typical facial features are necessary to make the diagnosis. The most notable features of fetal alcohol syndrome involve the face and eyes, and include microcephaly, short palpebral fissures, an underdeveloped philtrum and a thin upper lip.